Tuesday, August 11, 2015

When importing a DB dump of a different schema you may come across the followiing two errors.

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 959 encountered
ORA-00959: tablespace 'DEV_GOV' does not exist

To get this issue fixed you can create the missing table space and point to the related table space when creating the schema.

Execute following to create new table space

CREATE TABLESPACE "DEV_GOV" DATAFILE '/home/oracle/dumps/file/DEV_GOV.dbf' SIZE 20M

The DEV_GOV.dbf file will be created automatically when you execute the above command.

Now create the user by setting the default table space of the user to above created table space.

create user DEV_AM identified by rootpass default tablespace DEV_GOV;
grant create session, grant any privilege to DEV_AM;
grant all privileges to DEV_AM;
grant imp_full_database to DEV_AM;

Now you should be able to import the dumps :)


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